Electrochemical model
Electrochemical models are physics-based, modelling the electrochemical processes occurring throughout the cell such as lithium ion transport, diffusion, and kinetics. They offer deep insight into the physical states within a battery, unlocking optimisation opportunities like fast-charging to prevent battery degradation. These models are the most advanced battery models on the market.

Fast charging
Observe anode potential to generate adaptive fast charge profiles and reduce degradation.

Degradation Analysis & Modelling
Electrochemical models allow for modelling of physics-based degradation modes and mechanisms.

Cell Design & Benchmarking
Teardown-led parameterisation enables half cell analysis & high-fidelity insight into cell research & development.

Cell Performance with 3D Thermal Models
Pair cell performance at component level with high fidelity thermal models to gain insights into cell performance.
Key features
Range of parameters
Our electrochemical models come with over 50 parameters which we characterise through months of testing. Every parameter is available to view and can even be edited to help you gain more physical understanding.
World-leaders and world’s-first
We are the world’s only company offering electrochemical parameters as a service. We have been able to leverage decades of research at both Imperial College and the University of Birmingham to achieve this.
Access to internal states
With our unique white-box approach you gain full access to every internal state within the cell. Want to monitor electrode potentials or lithium concentrations? It’s a click away in the Simulink Data Inspector.
Teardown approach
We use proprietary teardown IP to separate the electrodes before characterising them individually. This includes material composition analysis and scanning electron microscope imaging to identify the physical attributes of the electrodes.
Model types
We offer the full-range of electrochemical models from the single particle model (SPM) to the Doyle-Fuller-Newman (DFN) model.
Wide Validation Range
We validate our models over a wide temperature and current range, so you can be assured that the physical model is accurate and robust.
Easily create a pack
Simply drag and drop multiple blocks into your Simscape environment to assemble your packs. Swap out an ECM for a SPMe and connect up a Thermal Model for system modelling.
Standard file format
Our electrochemical models are available in the open-source Battery Parameter Exchange (BPX) allowing for import into many platforms like PyBaMM, AVL Cruise and many more.
Optional extras
Custom Validation
We also work with our customers to tailor our model validation to their specific use cases.
Analyse Report
Get a teardown analysis report of the cell including elemental composition and electrode imaging in both an excel sheet and PDF report.
Higher-order thermal models
Easily connect to our proprietary Simscape 2D thermal model, allowing you to model temperature gradients and hot-spots, and observe their impact on electrochemical performance.
Proprietary cells
We are trusted by some of the world’s biggest OEMs to keep proprietary data safe.
Downloadable as

Look-up table
Parameters only
Object file

Battery Parameter Exchange
Cells available
We have Electrochemical models available for a wide range of commercial cells. If you don't see the cell you need, please get in touch with us to find out if we have it. We also make Electrochemical models for proprietary cells under NDA.
Molicel P45B
Samsung 50S
LG M50

& more
What is an Electrochemical model?
Electrochemical models simulate lithium transport within battery electrodes based on physical equations. Our models consider factors such as State-of-Charge (SoC), temperature, hysteresis, charging rates, and cycling history. Utilising these parameters, we can forecast relaxation dynamics, heat emission from components, overpotentials in electrodes, the distribution of lithiation within the electrode, and the distribution of electrolyte across the electrodes and separator.

Heat generation
Individual electrode potentials
Lithiation distribution (electrode)
Lithiation distribution (active material particles)
Electrolyte distribution (electrodes & separator)
Accounts for
State of Charge (SOC)
Charge-discharge hysteresis
Cycling history
Rate capability
Accuracy and Internal States
Here you can see a validation plot showing extremely accurate voltage prediction of our models. With electrochemical models you can also see the internal electrode potentials that make up the OCV. Note that our models are never trained on the data they are validated against.